Orgasm-less Sex and How it Might Mean Better Sex For Both Of You

Orgasm-less Sex and How it Might Mean Better Sex For Both Of You

Sex, for many people, often becomes a means to an end, in which people are only having sex in order to reach an orgasm. Sex can mean so much more than simply achieving an orgasm. Sex, at its core, is a form of deep intimacy, but many people lose this in the pursuit of orgasm. So, how might you return intimacy to your sex life?

What is karezza?

An 1896 obstetrician, Dr. Alice Stockham, wrote of a type of sex that could inject attachment and intimacy back into the sexual lives of both men and women. Stockham coined her form of connected sex as karezza. Karezza, coined from the Italian word “carezza” (meaning “caress”), refers to sex that moves away from goal-oriented orgasm-seeking, and towards a connectedness that features attachment rather than orgasm. The purpose of karezza is to stray away from climax and emphasize affection. No orgasm? It may seem odd, but eliminating the expectation of orgasms allows for deeper, more meaningful sex that brings sexual partners closer to one another.

While intercourse is a part of karezza sex, what really sets this technique apart is the use of extreme muscle tension and restricted breathing. Both partners must demonstrate control, and the emphasis must always be on affection and closeness. When either partner starts slipping into so-called “performance mode”, they must pull back and concentrate on maintaining longer breaths and living in the moment. In turn, abdominal breathing eases and muscular tension increases — reversing the usual approach to orgasm.

Benefits of karezza

Karezza is beneficial to everyone that has sex, but it can be especially helpful to middle-aged couples that are struggling in their sex lives and need to reconnect. This form of sex, even if one is just trying it out for a month, can spice up sex lives and enrich relationships. Furthermore, karezza can break a cycle of a sex addiction, low libido, and even depression. Couples practicing karezza have indicated that they feel closer than ever and report having sex far more than they did when practicing goal-oriented sex. While the idea of karezza may at first seem foreign and antithetical to the purpose of sex, what is sex if not about exploration and trying out new things?

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When it comes to karezza intercourse, slower is usually better. Try to find positions that use a minimal amount of movement. Even then, however, you’ll struggle to fight the urge to resort to your old ways. The real pleasure in this technique comes from the love and adoration you get from your partner, but this takes time to achieve. Each stroke is slower and more deliberate. In the early days, there’s a good chance you’ll have to stop moving completely to prevent yourself or your partner from climaxing. However, there’s a lot to be said for simply lying still, with the man’s penis “resting” inside his partner.

Sex is different for everyone but it shouldn’t be cause for distress or anxiety. Whether karezza is right for you or not is for you to decide, but one thing is for certain: sex is beautiful and the best sex might come from an unexpected source. There’s only one way to find out.

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